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Ackley City Council | Regular Meeting

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in regular session, February 14, 2018, in the City Hall Council Chambers with Mayor Erik Graham presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present: Joe Wessels, Judy Crawford, Pat Daggs, Pat Hurt, and Al Jones. Absent: None. Quorum present.

Hurt moved, Jones seconded, to approve the February 14, 2018 Agenda as listed. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Daggs moved, Hurt seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda by one motion: a) January 10, 2018 Regular Mtg; January 17, 2018 Special Mtg; January 31, 2018 Special Mtg; February 9, 2018 Special Mtg Minutes as written. b) Bills approval authorizing payment of bills and transfers as listed with the exception of the final payment in the amount of $4,363.17 to Hydro-Klean due to the project not being accepted by the City yet. c) Place Reports on file: January 2018 Clerk Bank Reconciliation/Treasurer Report, January 2018 Clerk Budget Reports, January 2018 Deputy Clerk Utility Billing Reconciliation, January 2018 Fire Monthly Report, January 2018 Ambulance Monthly Report. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Crawford seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 18-03 Setting Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rate – Calendar Year 2018. Roll call vote: Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Wessels seconded, to approve the Liquor License for Grumpy’s Bar. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Jones moved, Crawford seconded, to designate the Ackley World Journal as the official newspaper of the City of Ackley for calendar year 2018. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Daggs seconded to approve the Mayor appointment of Lynn Arends and Jane Bangasser to the Historical Preservation Commission with terms expiring July 9, 2020. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Daggs moved, Hurt seconded, to adopt the FY19 Proposed Budget. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Daggs moved, Jones seconded, to set a public hearing for the FY19 Proposed Budget for March 5, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Hurt moved, Daggs seconded, to set a public hearing for the first reading of proposed Ordinance No. 503 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ackley, Iowa by Amending Section 136.03, Pertaining to Removal of Snow, Ice and Accumulations for March 14, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Daggs moved, Jones seconded, to set the new proposed rate for sewer utility users that are not connected to the City’s water system to the base rate plus three times the usage rate per unit. Roll call vote: Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Council discussed moving forward with a mailing to everyone in the City that would include the new proposed sewer rates along with the dates of the public hearings for the readings of the ordinance setting these new rates.

Crawford moved, Hurt seconded, to set a public hearing for the first reading of proposed Ordinance No. 504 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ackley, Iowa by Amending Section 99.02, Pertaining to Rate, and Section 99.07, Pertaining to Use of Funds for March 14, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ackley Civic Center. Ayes-All. Motion carried. This will be the first of three public hearings on the new proposed sewer rates. The other two dates are unofficially set for April 11, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. and May 9, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.

Lee Gallentine, City Engineer, explained to the Council that the North Butler Street Project was currently set up for a letting in federal FY19. This project is similar to the South Butler Street Project and would go from 3rd Avenue to Park Avenue. The City has been granted $100,000 of funding for construction with a total estimated project cost of $223,819. Clerk Kelly DeBerg informed the Council that there is approximately $500,000 left in the fund restricted for capital street projects. Council agreed to move forward with the current letting schedule.

Gallentine informed the Council that Williams Excavation has started on the storm sewer cleaning and televising, but recommended to the Council that they cancel the sanitary sewer cleaning contract due to the work that will be done in Phase 1 of the sanitary sewer project. Wessels moved, Daggs seconded, to cancel the Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Reporting contract with Williams Excavation. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Daggs moved, Crawford seconded, to approve Change Order No. 6 on the 2016 Street Project in the amount of $2,750. Ayes-All. Motion carried. This change order was for the relocation of water service at Worth Street and 3rd Avenue which was necessary to install a proposed intake.

Crawford moved, Hurt seconded, to approve Change Order No. 3 on the Industrial Park Water and Sanitary Sewer Project in the amount of -$2,500. Ayes-All. Motion carried. This change order was due to a contractor change which will probably lead to a reduced service life.

Wessels moved, Jones seconded, to accept, approve and authorize final payment of $14,278.32 on the Industrial Park Water and Sanitary Sewer Project. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Gallentine informed the Council that he is waiting for a construction permit from the IDNR before he proceeds with the bid letting for Phase 1 of the Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project.

Gallentine updated the Council on building permits explaining that there are two permits that have expired and are not complete. Gallentine will send letters to those property owners.

Dustin Ingram, Economic Development Director, briefed the Council on his Director’s Report noting that the planning for the Creative Placemaking has been completed. He also informed the Council that the ADC has approved a new website for Ackley. Ingram explained that the grant process for 626 Main Street is moving forward and the application deadline is March 1.

Discussion was held regarding the curb stop repair that had been completed at 603 Douglas. Wessels spoke with the property owner and they declined the request to sign a waiver. Daggs moved, Crawford seconded, to require the property owner to put a curb stop in a location compliant with the City’s ordinance, and for the owner to only be financially responsible for the difference between the cost of the first repair and the cost of the new repair, with the City paying for the remainder of the cost. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Deputy Clerk Malena Dennis explained to the Council that there is some confusion regarding the name of Franklin Street north of Sherman Avenue. According to the City’s Code of Ordinances that section of the street is called Franklin Street. However, Franklin County, along with several property owners, refer to it as N. Franklin and some Franklin N. Daggs and Wessels both agreed that it should be N. Franklin. The name will need to be legally changed by resolution.

Mayor Graham explained to the Council that the Pool Betterment Committee needs more concrete numbers regarding cost of the pool project for them to submit grant applications. Gallentine had told the Council in the past that he would not proceed with any engineering work without direction from them. Gallentine stated that the cost to work on the design may be up to $8,000. This project would make the baby pool ADA complaint along with the addition of a splash pad. When asked what additional costs the splash pad would add to the City, Mayor Graham explained that the additional liability was low, and that the water is recirculated. Gallentine stated that no additional staffing should be needed. Hurt shared that other splash pads have no supervision, are not fenced in, and there is no charge to use them. He also stated that the committee would never get enough funding without obtaining grants. Council all agreed for Gallentine to proceed with the engineering and to incur the associated costs.

Updates were given on old business. Wessels informed the Council that he had bids for the lighting, heating and cooling on the main floor in City Hall. Mayor Graham still wants bids for the heating and cooling upstairs. Wessels reported that he has the forms that neighboring property owners to the elevator need to sign. Once that is completed a date can be set to do the burn. Wessels gave an update on the sale of the fire truck stating that there is an interested party who may offer $3,500. Wessels moved, Jones seconded, to accept a bid of $3,500 if offered for the 1991 Chevy Fire Truck. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Mayor informed the Council that the contractor for the 728 and 734 Main Street demo is just waiting for the weather to heat up to begin. Two bids have been received for the repair work at 626 Main Street. Crawford moved, Hurt seconded, to accept the bid from Hay Construction in the amount of $40,814. Ayes-All.

Motion carried. Ingram informed the Council that the grant he is working on for that building would help the City and the ADC. Daggs and Hurt both stated that they have not begun their streets review which entails looking at the placement of stop signs and street parking. DeBerg informed the Council that she is still waiting on Mike Smith, City Attorney, for the resolution for the Industrial Park Final Plat and would follow up with him. DeBerg also stated that she is working with Smith on the documents for the sale of the Habitat for Humanity Lot and 702 State Street, and asked how the Council wanted to sell the properties, by taking bids or an auction. Council proposed taking bids and then allowing the top bidders to raise their bid in person at an auction.

Wessels informed the Council that he spoke with the IDNR regarding some soil sites that need closure. Wessels does not wish to use the company that the City has previously used so he will contact another option that the IDNR gave him and get pricing.

Public Comments: Jory McDowell, McDowell & Sons, addressed the Council with concerns regarding the possibility of the City taking over the garbage service. There was some discussion on how much garbage is taken to the landfill, with a request from Wessels for scale tickets of just Ackley’s residential garbage picked up. DeBerg informed McDowell that this was simply a financial decision. Hurt agreed stating that the City may have to spend some money now, but would make more money after the truck was paid for. Hurt also explained that it would help fill a third full-time position in the City’s Public Works Department. BJ Hoffman, Hardin County Supervisor, supported the City by saying that if this move would allow the City to employee more people, it is good economic development, and would help keep money local.

Hoffman gave a brief oral presentation on some of the happenings in the County including areas of planned funding.

With no further discussion, Jones moved, Wessels seconded, to adjourn at 8:57 p.m. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

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