August 12, 2020
ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in regular session August 12, 2020 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Pat Daggs presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present: Chuy Flores, Pat Hurt, Joe Wessels, Mike Abbas, and Judy Crawford.
Quorum present.
Hurt moved, Wessels seconded, to approve the August 12, 2020 Agenda as listed. Ayes-All.
Motion carried.
Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda by one motion: a) July 8,
2020 Regular Meeting Minutes, as written. b) Bills approval authorizing payment of bills and
transfers as listed. c) Place Reports on file: July 2020 Clerk Bank Reconciliation/Cash Report/Treasurer Report; July 2020 Clerk Budget Reports; July 2020 Deputy Clerk Utility Billing Reconciliation; July 2020 Fire Report; July 2020 Ambulance Report; July 2020 Council
Committee Reports-Water & Sanitation/Streets, 2 nd Quarter Investment Report. Ayes-All.
Motion carried.
Discussion was had on the boiler located at City Hall. FM Global is the new insurance on the
boiler, EMC sold out. One of the boilers needs to be disconnected as the City is in violation.
New radiator valves/bleeders are needed for the registers for the current boiler system. This is cost of $1200/radiator and City Hall/Police Department has 8. Crawford is to call Waterloo
Boiler Company to see about being able to get thermostats for each register.
Discussion regarding the City Hall sidewalk project. Peterson Construction is to be here next
week to start. City Hall will be closed to the public during this project due to the steps being
torn out, this should be about a 1.5-2-week closure. Flores approached council about adding
color to the concrete. He reported the color would cost an additional estimated $2000 to the
project. Motion to approve the addition of color not to exceed the $2000 cost was made by
Crawford, seconded by Flores. Ayes-all.
Discussion regarding Chapter 77/78 Golf Cart/Off Road Utility vehicles. Chief Shimon is to get
with Attorney Smith with ordinance changes/revisions and bring it back to the council for later
Mayor Daggs to speak with Attorney Smith regarding the Sanitary Sewer Phase I project and the problems with the contractor and the installment of the flow meter. Water Superintendent is not to install that as that will void the warranty.
Crawford moved, Hurt seconded, to move the September 9 th council meeting to September 16th due to the City Clerk being on vacation and just returning a day or two prior to the meeting.
Ayes-all. Motion carried.
Council discussion on the selling of some City owned items/property. Clerk Dennis to look into the process for listing these items for closed bidding and go forth as needed.
Hurt moved, Wessels seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-32 Authorizing FY 20 Year End
Transfer. Roll call vote: Ayes- Hurt, Wessels, Abbas, Crawford, and Flores. Motion carried.
Wessels moved, Abbas seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-33 Appointment of City Clerk. Roll call vote: Ayes- Wessels, Abbas, Crawford, Flores, and Hurt. Motion carried. Mayor Daggs
reported 3 interviews have been conducted and 3 more on Thursday for the open position.
Abbas moved, Wessels seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-34 Approving the Annual Street Finance Report. Roll call vote: Abbas, Crawford, Flores, Hurt, and Wessels. Motion carried.
Paul Williams was present to discuss purchasing the lot north of his current location in the
Industrial Park area. The ADC and City is looking into this transaction. He is not interested in TIF funding or a development agreement; he is just needing some extra room for his current
Hurt moved, Abbas seconded, the Appointment of Jane Bloodworth, Re-appointments of Mike
Nuss and Carol VanHove to the Historic Preservation Commission. Ayes-All. Motion carried.
Hurt moved, Crawford seconded, to approve payment to Carrico Aquatics for $13,627.09 for a
new heater for the pool. Ayes-All. Motion carried.
Crawford moved, Hurt seconded, to approve payment to Servpro for $2531.10 for the
disinfecting City Hall/Police Department. Ayes-All. Motion carried.
Guidance to Clerk Dennis to send a Mow Notice to the Kum and Go property. Wessels shared
he had some concerns with 626 Main St and the weeds in the back of the building. Public Works will take care of them.
With no further comments from Public Works, City Clerk, or public comments, Crawford
moved, Hurt seconded to adjourn at 8:38 p.m. Ayes-All. Motion carried.
Pat Daggs, Mayor
Malena Dennis, City Clerk.