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Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Jan 12, 2023


January 13, 2021

ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in regular session January 13, 2021 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Pat Daggs presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present: Mike Abbas, Judy Crawford, Chuy Flores, Pat Hurt, and Joe Wessels.

Quorum present.

Hurt moved, Flores seconded, to approve the January 13, 2021 Agenda as listed. Ayes-all,

Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Abbas seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda by one motion: a) December 9, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes, as written. b) Bills approval, as listed. c) Place Reports on file: December 2020 Clerk Bank Reconciliation/Cash Report/Treasurer Report; December 2020 Clerk Budget Reports; December 2020 Deputy Clerk Utility Billing Reconciliation; December 2020 Ambulance Report; December 2020 Ackley Development Report; December 2020 Fire Report, December 2020 Investment Report, December 2020 Deputy Clerk Ambulance Write-off Report, December 2020 Prairie Bridges Financial Report, December 2020 Council Committee Reports-Streets. Ayes-all. Motion carried.

Discussion on the street repair bids. K. Meyer reported Blacktop Service did a good job on the parking lot of the pool. There is $100,000 from the 2020A GO Bond that is set for those repairs. Motion by Wessels, seconded by Abbas to approve Blacktop Service’s bid in the amount of $90,000. Ayes-All.

Motion carried.

Discussion on the Sanitary Sewer Equalization Basin. After several attempts by Councilmen Wessels and Abbas to get bids from Ron’s Roofing, Academy Roofing, and a company from Oklahoma to no avail, Crawford had reached out to the companies whom bid on the City Hall roof, Service Roofing was the only company whom came in with a written bid. Hurt moved, seconded by Abbas to accept Service Roofing bid in the amount of $17,550. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Wessels will reach out to Adam Harms concerning the excavation around the basin.

Jeff Frazier presented the check to Clerk Dennis for the outstanding invoice for shoring up the wall on the 626 Main St building. Frazier reports that the ADC had gotten donations or grants, some in the form of money and others in labor, from Hardin Co Endowment, Community Catalyst Grant, NY Life, ADC members and a few he may have not mentioned. He reports the building has sold and wanted to be sure that the people were aware that no tax money was used. Frazier has resigned from the ADC and new president will be Darren Janssen.

Mayor Daggs had reported that the City needed a formal document drawn up for new officers who need academy training. A new Police Agreement for ILEA Reimbursement was presented to the council. Atty Smith has viewed and approved the agreement for the reimbursements to coincide with the Iowa Code.

This agreement will be added to the Police Department Manual. Motion by Hurt, seconded by Flores to adopt the agreement. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Budget preparation was discussed for the FY22. Mayor Daggs had approached the Ackley Heritage Center regarding the responsibility of the utilities of the Depot to which they rent from the City. They have agreed to take over the building’s utility cost with the understanding that the City will install programmable thermostats and with an option to re-negotiate, should their financial circumstances deem it necessary. The council has agreed to that and Clerk Dennis will go ahead with the revamped lease that was reviewed by Atty Smith. Public Works to look at a tree that is growing in the chimney of the Depot. The Library budget was presented to the Clerk by Library Director. Clerk Dennis will have all budget numbers ready soon for the council to go over line by line but currently the Library is coming in at a decrease of .9 % The main reason for this is the removal of the previous budgeted part time person

that they did not use. Lupkes turned in her annual library report. Motion by Crawford, seconded by Wessels to set the Max Levy Public Hearing to February 1, 2021 at 5 in Council Chambers. Ayes- All. Motion carried.

Motion by Hurt, seconded by Abbas to approve the Tax Abatement/Exemption request for 804 10th Ave. Ayes-Wessels, Crawford, Abbas, and Hurt. Abstain-Flores. Motion carried.

Personal file location was in discussion. Some departments were keeping their own personal files. Clerk Dennis had requested that they all be centrally located in the event someone needed a copy, one would know where to go looking for the document. This is to include any signed employee contracts and annual evaluations. Certifications and/or re-certifications do not need to be kept in the personal file at City Hall. Motion by Crawford, seconded by Wessels to move and keep all personal files at City Hall under the City Clerk. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Motion by Wessels, seconded by Hurt to approve the following re-appointments and appointments: Joe Wessels to the Hardin County Solid Waste Disposal Commission with term beginning January 19, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021, Mike Abbas to the Hardin County Solid Waste Disposal Commission with term beginning January 19, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021 and Ashley Claussen to the Ackley Pool Betterment group with a term to begin immediately and ending December 31, 2021. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Hurt seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 21-01 Designating Ackley World Journal as the official newspaper of the City of Ackley for Calendar year 2021. Roll call vote: Ayes-Crawford, Flores, Hurt, Wessels, and Abbas. Motion carried.

Hurt moved, Abbas seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 21-02 Setting Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rate for Calendar Year 2021. Roll call vote: Ayes-Flores, Hurt, Wessels, Abbas, and Crawford. Motion carried.

Abbas moved, Hurt seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 21-03 Setting Wages for Loretta Bahr as Deputy Clerk. Roll call vote: Ayes-Hurt, Wessels, Abbas, Crawford, and Flores. Motion carried.

Hurt moved, Flores seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 21-04 Setting Wages for Jordan Cobie for Reserve Police Officer. Roll call vote: Ayes-Wessels, Abbas, Crawford, Flores and Hurt. Motion carried. Crawford inquired as to how many hours the reserve officer would be working, Chief Shimon responded with less than 30 hours a week. Wessels inquired as to the on call pay for Ambulance and Reserve, Mayor Daggs stated he could not be on call for both at the same time.

Wessels moved, Hurt seconded to adopt Resolution 21-05 Approving the Washington/Etna/German/Osceola Township Fire Agreement and Contracts. Roll call vote: Ayes- Abbas, Crawford, Flores, Hurt, and Wessels. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Wessels seconded to approve payment of $3,425.00 to WTR Solutions for Sanitary Sewer Aerators. Ayes-all. Motion carried.

Don Moore from CGA reported on the Antidegradation report. He reports that the SAGR

alternative for treatment, after the IDNR required a much higher flow, became the most cost effective. Motion by Wessels, seconded by Abbas to approve Pay Estimate No. 3 in the amount of $44,669.50 to MP Backhoe, LLC for the 2020 Watermain, City Hall sidewalk replacement and Storm Sewer Repair, and Cougar Den’s steps repair. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Public Works reports their department is good.

No comments from City Clerk.

Mayor Daggs has set the date to February 8, 2021 at 4 p.m. in Council Chamber for the budget workshop.

No public comments.

Wessels moved, Crawford seconded to adjourn at 8:09 p.m. Ayes-5. Motion carried.


Pat Daggs, Mayor

ATTEST: __________________________________________________

Malena Dennis, City Clerk

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