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Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Jan 12, 2023


October 14, 2020

ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in regular session November 11, 2020 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Pat Daggs presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Council members present: Pat Hurt, Joe Wessels, Mike Abbas, and Judy Crawford. Absent: Chuy Flores. Quorum present.

Abbas moved, Hurt seconded, to approve the November 11, 2020 Agenda with request of moving item 16 after item 6. Ayes-4, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Hurt seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda by one motion: a) October 14, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes, as written. b) Bills approval, as listed. c) Place Reports on file: October 2020 Clerk Bank Reconciliation/Cash Report/Treasurer Report; October 2020 Clerk Budget Reports; October 2020 Deputy Clerk Utility Billing Reconciliation; October 2020 Ambulance Report; October 2020 Fire Report; October 2020 Ackley Development Report; October 2020 Council Committee Reports-Water & Sanitation, Admin/Finance, Building/Parks, and Street. Ayes-4, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Motion made by Wessels, seconded by Abbas to open the Public Hearing at 7:01 pm regarding the CDBG status of funded activities. Ayes-4, Absent-1. Motion carried. No public comments were made. Clerk Dennis gave the report of 3 homes have been completed and another is ready for contract. City has had total expenditures of $94,750.00. The City and CDBG will have a minimum of 6 homes being rehabilitated within the target neighborhood located in the City. Motion to close Public Hearing at 7:03 pm by Hurt, seconded by Wessels. Ayes: 4, Absent-1. Motion carried.

After a discussion from Wessels explaining our current use of Neptune meters and with Ferguson presenting some savings numbers with using those meters that have been changed out in the last few years, we simply need to change out the head of those newer Neptune meters, motion made by Wessels, seconded by Abbas to accept the bid from Ferguson Waterworks not to exceed the current bid of $223,500.00 and going with the radio read system, Ayes-4, Absent-1. Motion carried. Without knowing exactly how many newer meters we have in use; Ferguson is unable to pinpoint an exact cost savings but he assured it would not go over the current bid and did provide us with the new install numbers for those specific meters. Wessels reached out to the other 2 bidders to inquire if they would be able to save those newer meters in use, and they informed him they would not be able to use them in their system setup.

Hurt updated the council about the Splash pad, they had raised roughly $48,000 from the Barlow Challenge. Blue prints from Ramaker Engineering should be emailed within the next week or so. At that time, they will have cost numbers for the splashpad. The Pool Betterment committee is hoping to get the bidding process started this fall/winter with a start date in the spring. Trent Mennenga updated the council with the numeric future pledges from GBB&T of $2000/year for the next 4 years, People’s Savings Bank $15,000 total in the next 3 years, and GNB Bank $5000 in the next 2 years. With this pledge money, they would like to add splash pad features in the future when the funds are available. They are hoping that any work donated or bided from local contractors can be taken out of the project price.

Clerk Dennis informed the committee they currently have $74,254.30 in their reserve account, however, $15,880.88 will come out of that for fees already paid that they had agreed to pay – the transfer will happen with the end of year transfers. Bids were sent out to 3 local contractors for the removal of some concrete, fencing, and misc. The City received one bid and the funds to pay for this work is geared to come out of the pool committee reserves in preparation of the new splash pad, per Hurt.

Dale/Deb Keninger and Delton Woodley addressed the council about the City paying to replace asphalt in the alley, which was what was in the alley prior to the Logan Ave watermain project. After a lengthy conversation, Mayor Daggs informed them that the contractor had the portion of the alley fixed with a base of rock and then smaller rock on top of that base and that alley is in better shape than it was prior to the start of the project. The City fulfilled their responsibility with the alley due to the Watermain project per the Ordinance. Crawford stated as far as the City is concerned, they have done their part and this is no longer a City issue. Keninger was instructed if she wanted to talk to the contractor, she could contact Clerk Dennis for a number to contact them.

Wessels moved, Abbas seconded to accept Holman resignation effective 10/27/20. Ayes-4, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Hurt seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-40 Approving the Annual Urban Renewal Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30,2020. Roll call vote: Ayes-Hurt, Wessels, Abbas, Crawford, Absent-Flores. Motion carried.

Discussion on an as needed position in the Public Works department. Crawford questioned Clerk Dennis on having to pay IPERS on this individual, Dennis responded if and when a relationship is established within any of the departments then the City would need to pay IPERS in all departments, with the on call pay along with their run pay for the Ambulance, most of their volunteers meet that relationship so eventually she believed that we would establish that relationship. Abbas moved, Hurt seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-41 Hiring an As Needed Employee for Public Works Department. Roll call vote: Ayes- Abbas, Crawford, Hurt, and Wessels. Absent-Flores. Motion carried.

Abbas moved, Hurt seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-42 Approving the 2020 TIF Certifications. Roll call vote: Ayes-Abbas, Crawford, Hurt, and Wessels. Absent-Flores. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Wessels seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-43 Approving the City of Ackley Community Development Block Grant Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Contract for 502 Logan Ave. Roll call vote: Ayes-Crawford, Hurt, Wessels, and Abbas. Absent-Flores. Motion carried.

Abbas moved, Wessels seconded to Approve Class C Liquor License for Ackley Rec Club. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

After determining that due to the City being under the same Wellmark contract as Hardin County, the City needs to amend their employee handbook to follow their policy guidelines, which is to currently offer healthcare upon the 1 st of the month following hire date rather than the benefit starting the 1 st of the month following 30 day wait period. Guidance given to Clerk Dennis to amend handbook to read as follows: Health care eligibility shall start in accordance to current health care policy guidelines. Council will review and approve accordingly in December 2020.

Clerk Dennis is requesting council to review the budget questions/discussion sheets that were in the packet and let her know what they want to do with those line items or departments.

Crawford had requested Clerk Dennis to find the 28E agreement for the Cougar’s Den and email it to her, regarding the $8,000 utility bill reimbursement. Mayor Daggs will touch base with the Heritage Center regarding the monthly pest spray.

Wessels moved, Crawford seconded, to approve the December 1, 2020 payment of $338.27 to LaVelle Properties, LLC for Development Agreement Rebate. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to approve payment, with condition of receiving plans and W-9 prior to sending payment, of $3,125.00 to Ramaker Engineering for Ackley Pool Splash Pad. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

Lee Gallentine from CGA reports we have arbitration set up for November 20, 2020 for the Sanitary Sewer Phase I project. Crawford moved, Wessels seconded to approve Pay Estimate #2 in the amount of $141,679.20 to MP Backhoe for the 2019/2020 Water Main Project, City Hall Sidewalk-Storm Sewer/Cougar’s Den steps. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion Carried. City Hall and the Cougar’s Den are awaiting handrails. Project punch lists are currently the only things left on these projects. Motion made by Abbas, seconded by Wessels to approve Change Order #1 for a decrease of $1,839.55 to the same project. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried. Request from a resident on the SE corner of Main/Butler to make the corner bigger when the City does the North Butler Street project, Council ok’d Gallentine to put that request in his plans. Currently awaiting the DNR for the Sanitary Sewer Project Phase II, Mayor Daggs reintegrated that the City qualified for the CDBG grant of $500,000 but hasn’t been awarded, we have up to 5 years to use this.

Public Works reports their department is good.

Clerk Dennis informed the council, she has a budget workshop on November 17 and a few webinars in the upcoming weeks. She also stated she has reached out to the State Auditor’s office about our visit and they have yet to return any information.

No offers or inquiries have been received from the ad placed on the League’s site for the Locator, guidance given to Abbas to list it on eBay and Craig’s List to see if we can get any bids or sell it on those webpages.

No public comments.

Wessels moved, Abbas seconded to adjourn at 9:02 p.m. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.


Pat Daggs, Mayor

ATTEST: __________________________________________________

Malena Dennis, City Clerk

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