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SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES | Monday, February 1, 2021

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Jan 12, 2023




Monday, February 1, 2021 5:00 p.m.

ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in special session February 1, 2021 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Pat Daggs presiding. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. Council members present: Judy Crawford, Pat Hurt, and Joe Wessels. Absent: Chuy Flores and Mike Abbas. Quorum present.

Wessels moved, Crawford seconded, to approve the February 1, 2021 Agenda as listed. Ayes-3, Absent-2 Motion carried.

Hurt moved, Wessels seconded to open the public hearing at 5:01 pm for the Proposed Property Tax Levy for fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

John Trimble addressed the council with concerns that he feels the residents get taxed enough and that the City doesn’t need any additional max levy. He believes that the City has raised enough money in water to pay for the Phase I project. Clerk Dennis informed resident that the max levy has nothing to do with that project. The water revenue gets put in a line-item revenue by itself and that revenue is used for water related items and the same as sanitary sewer revenues and expenses. It doesn’t get put in to the general fund. Trimble wants the city administration to be more fiscal responsible, for example the City not putting the new ambulance shed on to the fire station when that got built. Crawford stated this current council has been working on trying to come up with solutions for future budgets and projects,

the City can’t go back and change what previous councils did.

Eric Ringenberg also addressed the council with concerns about what gets paid out of the City general fund. Clerk Dennis informed him of a list of example items and that she would be more than willing to go over any questions about line items with him. Council informed him he is more than welcome to join in the budget workshops to find out exactly how the money is allocated and spent. Clerk Dennis informed the general audience on where they can find the council packets to include the budget workshop packet which is detailed in each line item. Ringenberg also wanted to know if the condemned buildings on Main Street were included in this budget to be taken care of. Mayor Daggs addressed the concern and stated they were not a city expense.

Hurt moved, Wessels seconded to close the public hearing at 5:22 pm. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

Hurt moved, Crawford seconded to approve Resolution 21-06 Approving the FY22 Maximum Property Tax Dollars. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Hurt and Crawford. Nays-Wessels. Absent-Flores and Abbas. Motion fails.

Discussion regarding the Chamber and Sauerkraut Days and Park Fest celebration. Mayor Daggs stated the dates set for Sauerkraut days would be the first weekend in June and the Chamber wanted to know if they could go forward with plans. She had stated they were going to not do face painting and possibly not the dunk tank due to the Covid pandemic. Daggs also stated they would need to adhere to the guidelines set forth for their food stands. Crawford moved, Wessels seconded to allow them to go forth with their plans. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

Moved by Crawford, seconded by Wessels to approve Pat Daggs (Mayor) and Mike Abbas, as the alternate, to serve on the Hardin County 911 Service Board and the Hardin County Emergency Management Commission. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Wessels seconded to approve the Tax Abatement/Exemption for 710 Franklin St. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

Crawford voiced her concerns about residents scooping their snow into the streets and alleys. She also stated sidewalks weren’t getting scooped. Mayor Daggs stated the snow needed to be 2” or more in order to be in violation. Per Public Works, they plow around the parked cars and then come back to re-plow after they have moved them. it was suggested that K. Meyer work with Chief Shimon regarding the snow emergency and getting vehicles ticketed and towed.

Hurt questioned Clerk Dennis regarding the tax levy, she stated she wasn’t really sure what the next step was but that she believed they would need to start over with the process. He voiced his concerns on the time line and inquired Wessels on why he voted no. Wessels stated he did not want to raise taxes on the residents. Dennis informed Wessels that the property values increased set by the county and that is why the dollar amount allowable changed but that our actual tax levy rate went down from last year by about $.20. Mayor Daggs asked for a new motion and revote on Resolution 21-06. Motion by Hurt, seconded by Crawford to approve Resolution 21-06. Roll Call vote: Ayes-Hurt, Wessels, Crawford.

Absent-Flores and Abbas. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Wessels seconded to adjourn at 5:50 p.m. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

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