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Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Jan 12, 2023


December 09, 2020

ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in regular session December 9, 2020 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Pat Daggs presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present: Pat Hurt, Joe Wessels, Mike Abbas, Judy Crawford, and Chuy Flores.

Quorum present.

Hurt moved, Abbas seconded, to approve the December 09, 2020 Agenda as listed. Ayes-all, Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda by one motion: a) November 11, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes and November 9 and 24, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes, as written. b) Bills approval, as listed. c) Place Reports on file: November 2020 Clerk Bank Reconciliation/Cash Report/Treasurer Report; November 2020 Clerk Budget Reports; November 2020 Deputy Clerk Utility Billing Reconciliation; November 2020 Ambulance Report; November 2020 Ackley Development Report; November 2020 Council Committee Reports-Water & Sanitation, Admin/Finance, and Building/Parks.

Ayes-all. Motion carried.

During consent agenda approval, Crawford informed council that Waterloo Boiler Company would be coming in January to work on boiler system at City Hall.

Crawford updated the council on the roof bids. As they were bid, they were not comparable to each other. She reached out to both companies to get them to where the city could compare apples to apples. After this was done, one bid had a deduction from their original bid. Motion made by Hurt, seconded by Crawford to approve Service Roofing Co.’s bid in the amount of $26,020. to replace the roof on the Municipal building which houses City Hall and the Police Department. Ayes – All. Motion carried.

Following the conversation of the roofing bids, Wessels had requested Crawford to reach out to the same companies about getting bids or having them look at repairing the equalization basin out at the waste water plant.

Budget preparation was discussed for the FY22. Clerk Dennis was guided to use $14,000 for the annual payment to the ADC, $8000 to the Cougar’s Den for annual utilities, the City will not be pursuing commercial garbage this year and will work on getting some numbers for the FY23, pool reserve funds to be delegated for a baby changing table and a new first aid kit, employee wage increase of 3%, and no changes for the Prairie Bridges regarding the A&K Railroad rent payment. Mayor Daggs will be contacting the Heritage Center about taking over some of their own utilities.

Wessels moved, Abbas seconded to approve the quote from Iowa Pump Works in the amount of $16,429.77 for the purchase and installation of a new sanitary sewer shredder. Ours is currently inoperable. To repair the current shredder would cost $11,000. Ayes-All. Motion carried. Water Superintendent had reached out to a couple other companies and Wessels reports none have returned a quote request.

Mayor Daggs wanted to give a big thank you to Clerk Dennis in her efforts of assisting her in reaching out to fill the following Mayor appointments: Hurt moved, Crawford seconded to approve appointments of: Re-appoint Gary French to the Cemetery Board of Trustees with term beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2026, appoint Dean Feikes to the Cemetery Board of Trustees with term beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2026, re-appoint Dale Brass to the Airport Board of Trustees with term beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2025, re-appoint John Muller to the Tree Board with term beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2025, re-appoint Brock Holmgaard to the Planning and Zoning with term beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2025, re-appoint Bruce Dieken to the Planning and Zoning with a term beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2025, appoint Mike Fistler to the Board of Adjustments with term beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2025, and appoint Brynn Brass to the Pool Betterment Committee with a term beginning December 9, 2020 and ending December 31, 2021 Ayes- All. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Wessels seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-44 Amending the Employee Handbook regarding Health Insurance Eligibility Date. Roll call vote: Ayes-Wessels, Abbas, Crawford, Flores and Hurt. Motion carried.

Hurt moved, Abbas seconded to approve payment of $5,014.00 to Business Radio Sales and Service for police department repeater portable radios. Ayes-all. Motion carried.

Lee Gallentine from CGA reports he is working on a new map showing updated sanitary sewer work done from Phase I. City Hall sidewalk/storm sewer and the Cougar’s Den step projects are complete other than the punch lists. Crawford is working on a new City Hall door.

Public Works reports their department is good.

Clerk Dennis informed the council, she has and is preparing for our State exam that is happening next week. They will be working with the City via email and phone communication rather than out doing a site exam.

Abbas reported that he listed the locator for $2100 and had gotten no bids. After the bid was over, a gentleman reached out to him and offered $2,000.00, Abbas accepted that offer. After eBay charges and shipping charges, Abbas had written a check to the City for $1,850.00 for the sale of the locator.

Mayor Daggs reported Don Moore from CGA has completed the antidegradation analysis report needed for the DNR. Clerk Dennis to have at City Hall, for public view. Moore will send the report to DNR for approval and after approval, DNR issues permit. CGA will then work with Wymore and the CDBG for the grant and go forth on the Sanitary Sewer Phase II. Sagr is the lowest price on the capital cost of the project. This Phase has a required completion date of May 2022.

No public comments.

Wessels moved, Crawford seconded to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Ayes-5. Motion carried.


Pat Daggs, Mayor

ATTEST: __________________________________________________

Malena Dennis, City Clerk

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