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Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Jan 12, 2023


March 10, 2021

ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in regular session March 10, 2021 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Pat Daggs presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present: Pat Hurt, Joe Wessels, Mike Abbas, Judy Crawford, and Chuy Flores. Quorum present.

Hurt moved, Crawford seconded, to approve the March 10, 2021 Agenda as listed. Ayes-all, Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda by one motion: a) February 10,2021 Regular Meeting Minutes and February 8 and 22, 2021 Special minutes, as written. b) Bills approval, as listed. c) Place Reports on file: February 2021 Clerk Bank Reconciliation/Cash Report/Treasurer Report; February 2021 Clerk Budget Reports; February 2021 Deputy Clerk Utility Billing Reconciliation; February 2021 Ambulance Report; February 2021 Fire Report; February 2021 Ackley Development Report; February 2021 Council Committee Reports-Buildings/Admin and Water/Sanitation. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

No discussion regarding placement of poles for CNS Internet as the Mayor had not gotten the requested information from Stan Siems.

Trent Mennenga from the Ackley Pool Betterment Committee addressed the council about continuing their committee into the future after the splash pad is complete. They would like to form a committee more for parks and recreation but be a part of the city as most fundraising that they would do would be for city property. Some of their thoughts were a new slide at the pool and a wooden structure at the pool. They have a good group with quite a bit of momentum and Mennenga would like to see that continue. Councilwoman Crawford stated she would entertain the thoughts of a park committee but wants to have perimeters in place.

De La Riva from Hardin County Economic Development stated they should form a 501 C3 – due to the budgeting of city funds and how that plays a roll into when you can do a project and grants are easier to get if you are your own group rather than running under the city. J. Frazier also agreed with De La Riva on her thoughts. E. Ringenberg stated his girlfriend was an atty and would be happy to assist in setting up this organization pro-bono.

Former pool manager A. Gronewald addressed the council regarding the age limitations for guards. She had stated that she didn’t believe that many of the last year’s guards were coming back and wanted to request that the council relook at hiring 15-year-olds rather than only 16 and above. Motion by Crawford, seconded by Hurt to approve changing the age of hiring lifeguards to 15. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Motion by Hurt, seconded by Abbas to approve posting the pool manager position in our posting areas along with our Facebook page. This is to be posted for 2 weeks. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Discussion regarding the Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement for Iowa Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network. Wessels would like for People’s Service to come and explain this agreement. Mayor Daggs believes we should double check to make sure that by entering into this agreement, that it isn’t a cost to the City on our People service contract. Wessels will contact Water Superintendent about the agreement and bring it back to council.

Discussion regarding the splash pad bids. The legal processes do not appear to have been done correctly. Mayor Daggs is concerned about the rules/regulations about the no public hearing. She has requested L Gallentine speak on those concerns, as our city engineer, and he stated that there were no bid bonds enclosed in the bids and a contractor cannot change the completion deadline along with a few other issues. B Neuberger from the pool committee stated her frustrations regarding just being told on the day they believed they were awarding the bid. Mayor Daggs stated that we were just informed today. Mayor Daggs suggested getting another engineer involved and start the bidding process over and doing it correctly. She stated it was not put in FY22 budget but we could take it out for bid in FY22 with a completion payment date in July 2022 as that would be FY23 and we can get it put in FY23 budget. Wessels moved to table bid/discussions until Gallentine from CGA and Nick from Ramaker can work together for solution. Ayes-all. Motion carried.

Motion by Crawford, seconded by Flores to approve payment in the amount of $5,512.50 to Williams Underground Service for the Main Street/Fairview Drive water main repair. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Motion by Crawford, seconded by Abbas to approval payment in the amount of $5,481.12 to WBC Mechanical for City Hall/Police Department boiler repair. Ayes-All. Motion carried.

Gallentine presented update on building permits. Mayor Daggs reported Don Moore was working with Jim Oppold with the DNR regarding the next phase of the Sanitary Sewer Project.

K. Meyer reported the filter grids for the pool are deteriorating – the socks gum over. They had problems with them last year and when they removed them this year, 90% of the grids cracked. He is getting a quote to replace them. The pool controller will need to be replaced before opening. Pool heater is waiting for a part, in order to finish installation. V Willms is street sweeping. Public Works have removed the tree from the Depot chimney.

No clerk comments.

E. Ringenberg had inquired as to why the max levy rate is different than the rate on the proposed budget. Clerk Dennis addressed his concerns and stated she would need to follow up as she would need to reach out to the Department of Management to find out for sure. With this budget being her first, she didn’t want to give false information. J. Frazier informed the council that the AVAS has gotten the Hardin Co Endowment grant in the amount of $5,250 for their stair chairs.

Abbas moved, Wessels seconded to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. Ayes-5. Motion carried.


Pat Daggs, Mayor

ATTEST: __________________________________________________

Malena Dennis, City Clerk

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