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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES | September 16, 2020

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Jan 12, 2023


September 16, 2020

ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in regular session September 16, 2020 in the Ackley Council

Chambers with Mayor Pat Daggs presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Council members present: Mike Abbas, Judy Crawford, and Joe Wessels. Absent: Chuy Flores, Pat Hurt. Quorum present.

Abbas moved, Wessels seconded, to approve the September 16, 2020 Agenda with striking

item 8. Ayes-3 Absent-2. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda by one motion: a) August 12, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes, as written. b) Bills approval authorizing payment of bills and transfers as listed with the exception of one bill payable to Brass Highway 57 in the amount of $117.60, hold. c) Place Reports on file: August 2020 Clerk Bank Reconciliation/Cash Report/Treasurer Report; August 2020 Clerk Budget Reports; August 2020 Deputy Clerk Utility Billing Reconciliation; August 2020 Ambulance Report; August 2020 Council Committee Reports-Water & Sanitation/Streets, Admin/Finance. Ayes-3 Absent-2. Motion carried.

Motion made by Crawford, seconded by Wessels to renew maturing Cemetery Perpetual Care CD in the amount of $7800.00 with GNB Bank for 36 months at a rate of .78%. Ayes-3 Absent-2. Motion carried.

After a small discussion about the annual trick or treating and trunk or treat, a motion by Crawford, seconded by Abbas was made to have no trick or treating nor trunk or treat due to the increase of COVID 19 cases in Hardin County. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

After the installation of the new North Franklin St. bridge, Prairie Bridges is dealing with their septic system not draining correctly. They no longer have enough property to put a new septic system in. Mike Fistler, on behalf of the Prairie Bridges board, has requested some assistance from the City to connect to the sewer main. Per Wessels, in order to regulate gallon flow to the sewer main, water meters will need to be installed, he is also stating to continue use of the current septic system and not remove it. Fistler is requesting a flat rate for sewer. Motion made by Wessels, seconded by Crawford to approve to pay ½ of Williams Underground Services estimate ($15,000 total) with the installation of 2 – 2” water meters

installed with the re-evaluation of usage in June 2021. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried. Water Superintendent is to be involved with all aspects of the project.

Mayor Daggs suggests to leave Chapter 77/78 Golf Cart/Off Road Utility vehicles as is with

leaving the requirement of the safety flag and slow-moving vehicle sign. She will do a write up

for the AWJ regarding some other safety concerns regarding kids.

Bids were received for the 2020 Water project. Wessels has requested the Clerk to reach out to the bidders and request their presence at the October meeting to explain their bids/products on the meter replacements.

Crawford made mention of a correction from last month’s meeting. FM Global contracts with

EMC Insurance to do our boiler inspections. EMC is still our insurer. The right boiler is now

disconnected by Waterloo Boiler Company, in order to cure the violation by the State. Crawford will get ahold of Kristin Moore from boiler inspection company, to get a re-inspection done. In follow up to last month’s meeting, new thermostats need installed on every working radiator. The boiler needs to be running in order for them to chase the “bubble”. Crawford will get in touch with WBC and have them remove the steam traps in order to get the ball rolling on the other boiler/thermostat issues.

Wessels moved, Abbas seconded to accept the high bids as listed: Cushman 3-wheeer $501,

Building and contents $900, Simplicity mower $500, and Ford pickup $400 with winning bidders

having 7 days to pay and pick up property. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Crawford seconded Adopting the Proclamation of National Rail Safety Week.

Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-35 Hiring Loretta Bahr as Deputy Clerk. Roll call vote: Ayes- Crawford, Wessels, Abbas, Absent Flores and Hurt. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Abbas seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-36 Authorizing Mayor and City

Clerk to Execute Certain Financial Documents. Roll call vote: Ayes-Wessels, Abbas, Crawford

Absent-Flores and Hurt. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Wessels seconded to approve Ackley Super Foods Beer/Wine/Liquor licenses pending review by the Iowa Alcohol Beverage Division. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 20-37 Setting a Date for Public

Hearing on the Receipt/Approval of Proposals for the Disposal and Development of Certain City-owned Real Property in the Ackley Urban Renewal Area. Roll call vote: Wessels, Abbas,

Crawford. Absent Flores and Hurt. Motion carried.

Abbas moved, Wessels seconded, to approve payment of $2,692.87 to Sweiter Electric for

electrical work on the power poles at the pool. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Abbas seconded, to approve payment of $2,692.51 to 3E Electrical Engineering and Equipment for repairs on the wastewater generator. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to approve payment of $23,764.19 to Ackley Development Commission for the 626 Main St remodel. Ayes-3, Absent-2. Motion carried. ADC reports that one apartment is rented out. Atty Smith is hired to handle the sealed bids on the property sale when it comes time. They state the only thing left is the glass store front and hoping to get that done yet this year.

Councilman Hurt arrives at 8:38 p.m.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to approve payment of $14,000 to Ackley Development

Commission for the annual contract funding payment. Discussion from council and 2 ADC board members, Lee Gallentine and Jeff Frazier, concerning the lack of communication on what the ADC are doing for the City of Ackley. Crawford has requested better communication from the ADC with a monthly report to the council with a possible look into renegotiations of the contact for future payments from the City.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to approve payment of $12,755.88 to Ramaker Engineers

for splash pad project. This is the second phase payment. Ayes-4, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Lee from CGA reports they are waiting on a mediator concerning the Sanitary Sewer

Improvement Project and finalizing that on Phase I.

No comments from Public Works nor City Clerk.

Wessels to get with the Clerk on the details of the locator so she can list it for sale on the

League of Cities web page.

Mayor Daggs has spoken to a Railroad representative whom stated it was the City’s

responsibility to gravel the parking lot by the Depot.

Becky Schipper from AWJ thanked Clerk Dennis for her quick follow up on getting the flag half-staff complaint taken care of and she also reported that the light for the flag needed to be

adjusted to shine on the flag.

Wessels moved, Crawford seconded to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Ayes-4, Absent-1. Motion carried.


Pat Daggs, Mayor



Malena Dennis, City Clerk.

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