April 17, 2024
ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in special session April 17, 2024 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Michael Nuss presiding. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. Council members present: Chuy Flores, Maliah Roelfs, Mike Abbas, Judy Crawford, and Dan Scallon. Quorum present.
Scallon moved, Abbas seconded, to approve the April 17, 2024 Agenda, as listed. Ayes-all. Motion carried.
Abbas moved, Roelfs seconded to open the public hearing for proposed budget for fiscal year 2025 at 6:01 pm. Ayes-all. Motion carried.
No written or oral comments/concerns/objections were given or shared.
Roelfs moved, Scallon seconded to close the public hearing for the proposed budget for fiscal year 2025 at 6:01 pm. Ayes-all. Motion carried.
Scallon moved, Roelfs seconded to pass Resolution 24-10 Adopting FY25 budget. Roll call vote: Ayes-Roelfs, Abbas, Crawford, Scallon, Flores. Motion carried.
Roelfs moved, Flores seconded to pass Resolution 24-11 Setting FY25 salaries/wages for City of Ackley employees. Roll call vote: Ayes-Abbas, Crawford, Scallon, Flores, Roelfs. Motion carried.
Abbas moved, Scallon seconded to pass Resolution 24-12 Authorizing FY25 budgeted transfers. Roll call vote: Ayes- Crawford, Scallon, Flores, Roelfs, Abbas. Motion carried.
Crawford moved, Scallon seconded to pass Resolution 24-13 Establishing the fees for the use of the swimming pool and services at the swimming pool. Roll call vote: Ayes-Crawford, Scallon, Flores, Roelfs, Abbas. Motion carried.
Nuss discussed adding code enforcement to the deputy clerk position. Nuss would like to see more aggression on code enforcement. Scallon questioned on what Nuss meant by more aggression. Clerk Dennis voiced concerns on sending the deputy clerk out in the community to find violators and the safety of the staff at City Hall when residents become upset. The violation letters are currently done and sent out with the deputy clerk name but then requesting the position to seek out the violators will raise more concerns with City Hall staff. K. Meyer, public works supervisor, shared concerns for retaliation on personnel by adding this duty to staff. Flores pointed out the difficulty of hiring and keeping a deputy clerk and adding code enforcement wouldn’t help with that. Flores suggested council needs to address wages before they start adding more job duties. Abbas questioned the process of abatement and how to deal with it legally. Running a salvage yard in certain zoned areas was discussed. Crawford suggested each council take part of a section of town for code violations and bring them to City Hall for the deputy clerk to then process the violations for the Sheriff’s Office to serve. Council chose to leave the job description currently written with a request of providing a monthly report to council of violations addressed throughout the month. Dennis informed Council that the report would need to be vague as ambulance billing, utility billing, and violation letters are not for public record.
Crawford moved, Roelfs seconded, to adjourn at 6:37 pm. Ayes-all. Motion carried.
Michael Nuss, Mayor
Malena Dennis, City Clerk