January 13, 2025
ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in a special session January 13, 2025 in the Ackley Council Chambers at 6:30 pm with Mayor Michael Nuss presiding. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Council members present: Judy Crawford, Dan Scallon, and Mike Abbas. Absent: Maliah Roelfs and Chuy Flores. Quorum present.
Scallon moved, Crawford seconded to approve the January 13, 2025 Agenda as listed. Ayes 3. Motion carried.
Abbas moved, Scallon seconded to pass Resolution 25-07 Authorizing Mayor Signing MidAmerican Proposal. Roll call vote: Ayes-Scallon, Abbas, Crawford. Absent: Flores and Roelfs. Motion carried.
Meeting recessed at 6:33 pm and travel time was allowed to go to AGWSR high school for joint meeting. Meeting resumed at 6:57 pm at the AGWSR Community School Board room.
The Cougar’s Den Annual Financial Review was presented. Revenue of $281.482.81 and expenses of 369,702.62 was reported for FY24. End balance was $302,258.81. Council member Crawford inquired about the $8,000 from the City as it was not listed on the revenue list. It was noted it got coded incorrectly and was in the total sum of revenue and not listed as a separate line. There are no current grants. Discussion on raising rates or going to contracts with no decision made. Mayor Nuss inquired what the future looks like for enrollment. It was noted that birth rates are trending down. A member representing the Wellsburg Cougar’s Den reported that Wellsburg recently raised rates and are considering doing it again. City Council was dismissed after the financial review.
Crawford moved, Abbas seconded to adjourn at 7:37 pm. Ayes-3 Motion carried.
Michael Nuss, Mayor
Tina Groninga, Deputy City Clerk