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Updated: Jan 12, 2023


March 15, 2021

ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in special session March 15, 2021 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Pat Daggs presiding. The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. Council members present: Pat Hurt, Joe Wessels Mike Abbas, and Judy Crawford. Absent: Chuy Flores. Quorum present.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded, to approve the March 15, 2021 Agenda as listed. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

Wessels moved, Hurt seconded to open the public hearing at 4:31 pm for the Proposed Budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

No comments, concerns, or objections were given or stated.

Wessels moved, Abbas seconded to close the public hearing at 4:31 pm. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

Abbas moved, Wessels seconded to approve Resolution 21-09 Adopting the FY22 Budget. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Wessels, Abbas Crawford, and Hurt. Absent-Flores. Motion carried.

Hurt moved, Abbas seconded to approve Resolution 21-10 Setting Wages for City of Ackley Employees FY22. Roll Call Vote: Ayes- Abbas, Crawford, Hurt, and Wessels. Absent-Flores. Motion carried.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded to approve Resolution 21-11 Authorizing Budgeted FY22 Transfers. Roll Call Vote: Ayes- Crawford, Hurt, Wessels, and Abbas. Absent-Flores. Motion carried.

Crawford would like Dave, the pool guy, to be involved in the project, along with Public Works Supervisor K. Meyer, so the we can be sure we have the right equipment being installed with the project. Mayor Daggs is trying to get the issues resolved so that this project can happen and be done in FY21. Crawford moved, Abbas seconded to approve agreement with Ramaker and Associates for the Splash Pad project. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

Wessels has talked to Elliot Equipment regarding the purchase of dumpsters. They did not have a 6 yard one on hand but would hold one for the City when they get them in. Crawford moved, Wessels seconded to approve the purchase of six 2-yard dumpsters and one 6-yard dumpster from Elliot Equipment in the amount of $4,940.00. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

Discussion was had on the hiring of a full-time officer. Crawford shared concerns about the officer not having a supervisor with Chief Shimon resigning and not having enough training. Wessels inquired as to if she needed to live in town, Mayor Daggs informed him, it wouldn’t be required due to not requiring the clerks to live in town. Shimon stated that while the officer was on duty and on call, she was aware that she would need to be in town. After Shimon’s last day, the City would not be able to use Jordan Cobie as a reserve as he would not have a certified officer to fall under. Mayor Daggs informed the council that she and Pat Hurt have a meeting scheduled for Tuesday morning with Sheriff McDaniel to get some ideas on what the City could do with the Hardin County Sheriff’s Department. Crawford suggested waiting until after the meeting before hiring a full-time officer. Hurt moved, seconded by Abbas to approve Resolution 21-12 Hiring Stephanie Dennler as Fulltime Police Officer. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Hurt, Abbas. Nays-Crawford, Wessels. Motion fails.

Wessels moved, Crawford seconded to approve Chief Shimon’s resignation effective Aril 4, 2021. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

Hurt moved, Crawford seconded to set the Public Hearing on Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract, and Estimate of Cost for the Splash Pad Project to April 14, 2021 at 7 p.m. in the Ackley Council Chambers. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.

Clerk Dennis took the moments to thank the department heads, council members, and the Mayor for assisting her in getting the budget balanced and completed. She stated it was a learning process and a lot to go through and just wanted to let them know she was appreciative of their patience while she is/was learning. Mayor Daggs congratulated her on a job well done.

Crawford moved, Abbas seconded to adjourn at 5:05 p.m. Ayes-4. Absent-1. Motion carried.


Pat Daggs, Mayor

ATTEST: __________________________________________________

Malena Dennis, City Clerk

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