May 29, 2024
ACKLEY CITY COUNCIL met in special session May 29, 2024 in the Ackley Council Chambers with Mayor Michael Nuss presiding. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. Council members present: Judy Crawford, Dan Scallon, Chuy Flores, Maliah Roelfs, Mike Abbas. Quorum present.
Scallon moved, Crawford seconded, to approve the May 29, 2024 Agenda, as listed. Ayes-all. Motion carried.
The negotiation team presented a counter proposal for the Ackley Volunteer Ambulance Service/Eldora EMS Merger. Proposal from Eldora was previously presented which consists of EMS Director will have discretion for staffing the two stations, yearly contribution to the merger in the amount of $36,000, and negotiated sale price of Ackley’s 2 rigs to Eldora. Counter proposal included the following, in summary: 3-year agreement with a 60-day notice of termination, continued lease of Ackley’s rigs with Eldora paying expenses on rigs, Ackley paying for building expenses, rotation of Ackley rigs to Eldora, Eldora to use Eldora’s oldest rig for transfer calls, Ackley commit to 25/75 split in profit/loss not to exceed $25,000 annually, either way, Ackley requesting 1 crew in Ackley 3 days a week, and continuation of the Advisory Board. Crawford and Abbas, along with D. Arends, Advisory board member, voiced concerns regarding clarification with what shifts and what days they are providing. J. Oelmann, Advisory/Crew member, suggested day time is needed most. Crawford moved, Roelfs seconded to accept counter proposal conditions with the additional requirement/clarification of providing 3 12-hour day shift coverage in Ackley. Ayes-all. Motion carried.
Scallon moved, Abbas seconded, to adjourn at 6:20 pm. Ayes-all. Motion carried.
Michael Nuss, Mayor
Malena Dennis, City Clerk